E-learning module: Responding to a manuscript review

In this e-learning module, Professor Emeritus Peter Jones discusses how to respond to a manuscript review. Professor Jones has over…

Lisa Clancy

Would a lottery system improve #TrustInPeerReview?

An increasing number of agencies are using lottery systems to distribute research funding. Supporters of the approach have even suggested…

Lisa Clancy

Active versus passive voice in scientific writing (infographic)

In this infographic, we discuss the use of the active and passive voice in scientific writing.   The infographic contains…

Lisa Clancy

How to write an introduction to a research report

In this blog, our guest blogger, Professor Emeritus Dolores Takemoto from Kansas State University discusses how to write an introduction.…

Lisa Clancy

“Many of our references are published in Chinese. Will this be a problem?”

This question was asked in the Q&A session of a recent talk on the topic of scientific publishing presented by…

Lisa Clancy

Tips for writing sentences about science

Make your writing clear Say what you mean For example, the sentence The observed changes in the gut microbiota caused…

Lisa Clancy

Verb tenses in scientific manuscripts (infographic)

A key aspect of producing a well-written scientific manuscript worthy of publication is the use of appropriate verb tenses in…

Lisa Clancy

Effective scientific writing – Tips to help you write better research papers (infographic)

In this infographic, we provide some useful tips to help you write better research papers. The infographic contains the following…

Lisa Clancy

How to prevent plagiarism

In this blog, our guest blogger, Professor Emeritus Dolores Takemoto from Kansas State University discusses plagiarism in scientific documents: what…

Lisa Clancy

Ongoing Support for the Scientific Research Community in the Global Effort to Contain COVID-19

The current COVID-19 pandemic is having a huge impact on people across the globe and in these unprecedented times we…

Teresa Nolan