You should not underestimate the importance of an effective title. The title is the first thing an editor, reviewer, and reader will see; a title that is poorly constructed may deter viewers from reading further. Titles are also important for indexing purposes; a well-constructed title will make it easier for people searching for papers on […]
A reviewer asks for additional experiments – what are your options?
Requests for additional experiments typically fall into one of three categories: The suggested experiments are fundamental to proving your argument. You cannot accept/reject your null hypothesis without these experiments. You have provided sufficient proof for your argument; however, additional experiments would add weight to your conclusions. You have provided ample proof for your argument; the […]
Discussing your study’s limitations
Why include a limitations section? Including a section on the limitations of your findings will demonstrate command over your research. A reviewer may look negatively upon your study if they spot a limitation that you failed to acknowledge. If you discuss each limitation in the context of future research—i.e., suggest ways to improve the validity […]
Author or contributor? The A to Z of authorship
The average number of authors on scientific articles has increased 5-fold over the last 100 years, from one author per paper in 1913 to more than five authors per paper in 2013 [1], and recent times have seen the rise of hyperauthorship, with one paper listing 5,154 authors [2]. This development has resulted in an […]
How to choose a journal
With an estimated 30,000 active scientific journals, each with their own specific requirements, it can be difficult to know where to send your article. Here, we present a short video blog with some tips on choosing the right journal. In summary: 1. Look at your reference list Identify the journal titles of: articles that were […]