Requests for additional experiments typically fall into one of three categories: The suggested experiments are fundamental to proving your argument. You cannot accept/reject your null hypothesis without these experiments. You have provided sufficient proof for your argument; however, additional experiments would add weight to your conclusions. You have provided ample proof for your argument; the […]
Handling a request for revision
After submitting your paper to a journal, you must wait for the Editor-in-Chief (or his deputy) to make a decision on your paper. If your paper goes through the full review process, the Editor will ask reviewers to make recommendations. Finally, the great day arrives when you receive the Editor’s decision, and the reviewer comments. […]
Request for revision – be polite
Remember that you are dealing with people, not just a faceless submission system. The Editor-in-Chief and the reviewers are just like you—they have feelings, likes and dislikes, and many other calls on their time. They are not infallible, but offer their comments to help you to improve your paper. Thank the Editor/reviewer for their comments, […]